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At Aeris, we teach kids how to fly. We help our students gain confidence and develop leadership skills through the Aeris Leadership Program. This is a fun, intensive program that helps our students reach their full physical and emotional potential. We focus on getting rid of damaging, negative beliefs, and helping our students rise above their fears.


We put them through leadership and teamwork exercises that push their limits and help them see how mentally and physically strong they really are. Students who come in with low self esteem or unhealthy body issues learn how to love themselves, and students who are quiet and shy come out of their shells.


Students are given opportunities to choreograph, come up with ideas for the recitals, and work together to create amazing art. They can also shadow teachers and become teachers themselves, passing on the incredible things they've learned.


We also collaborate with the nonprofit, 90&9, and put on uplifting, empowering shows like Fighter every year, and put on workshops for at-risk youth. Our students learn selflessness and the importance of giving back to the community.


We believe this transformation can happen to anyone, and we have seen it so many times at our studio. So, bring your child to Aeris, where we help them become the best they can be.


Get Started:

Click HERE to get started!

Our Address:

375 W Millennial Way Suite A
Midvale, UT 84047


471 South Deseret Dr. Suite 1
Kaysville, UT 84037


Sandy: (801) 895-4774

Kaysville: (385) 424-1411

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